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Chickasaw City Public Schools

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Parental Engagement

Chickasaw City Parent Engagement Overview


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The full plan can be viewed at your local school, on the local school website, and the district website under Federal Programs> LEA Consolidated Plan on the Website:

Chickasaw City Schools will:

•Involve parent and family members in the development of the Chickasaw City Consolidated Plan as part of their participation on the Federal Programs Parent Advisory Committee.

•Evaluate the Title I program by administering an annual parent/family member survey. This survey is conducted in the spring of each year, and the data is used to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Title I program, including parent/family engagement.

•Use evaluation results to design evidence-based strategies for more effective parent and family engagement.

•Remove barriers that hinder parent/family participation.

•Develop a Parent and Family Engagement Plan annually with parent/family input. The Federal Programs Director works with parent/family representatives from every Title I school to create the Parent and Family Engagement Plan and decide how the district’s Parent and Family Engagement Funds will be spent.

•Provide assistance to parents/family members in understanding topics such as state academic standards, state and local assessments, Title I requirements, strategies for monitoring their child’s progress (parent portal, progress reports, and report cards), and strategies for working with their child at home.

•Use many successful ways to interact with parents either face to face or using technology. The district and the schools have flexible meeting schedules and use their website to inform parent/family members who are unable to attend meetings.

•Provide assistance and training to local schools on the rights of parents and on evidence-based parent and family engagement practices.

•Conduct a variety of parent meetings throughout the year.

•Communicate with parents/families using a variety of methods (ex. phone calls, emails, automated phone system, school website, and district website).

•Provide materials and training to help parents/families work with their children to improve their children’s achievement.

•Involve parents in the development of the district and the local school’s Continuous Improvement Plan.

•Implement Parent’s Right to Know.